CKAD Certification Journey: Enhancing Kubernetes Efficiency

Join us on our CKAD certification journey at Keleos in our latest blog post, “CKAD Certification Journey: Enhancing Kubernetes Efficiency.” Discover how Multi-Container Pods streamline applications, explore resource allocation strategies, and understand Persistent Volume Claims for scalable storage. Gain practical insights from our team’s experiences to optimize your Kubernetes deployments. Read more to boost your Kubernetes expertise!
CKAD Certification Journey: Secrets & ConfigMaps

Dive into our CKAD certification journey at Keleos as we explore the critical roles of Secrets and ConfigMaps in Kubernetes. Learn how we manage sensitive information securely and handle configuration data efficiently, ensuring our applications remain agile and protected. Join us as we share insights and practical experiences from our ongoing Kubernetes mastery.
CKAD Certification Journey: Core concepts & Time Management

Exciting update from Keleos! As part of our CKAD Certification Journey, we’ve begun diving into core concepts and mastering effective time management strategies. In this blog post, we share our initial experiences, discuss the intricacies of Kubernetes namespaces, pods, and replica sets, and explore the balance between client work and study. Join us as we continue to navigate the world of Kubernetes, leveraging overlaps with Docker certification and utilizing imperative commands for efficient operations. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, follow our journey for insights, tips, and practical knowledge. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress together!
CKAD Certification Journey: Team Learning Experience

Exciting news from Keleos! Our team is embarking on a collective journey towards achieving the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification. In this blog series, we’ll take you behind the scenes as we delve into the world of Kubernetes and share our experiences, insights, and challenges along the way. Join us as we explore the intricacies of container orchestration, tackle real-world scenarios, and work towards mastering this essential skillset in today’s tech landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a curious enthusiast, or simply keen to learn, there’s something for everyone in our CKAD certification journey. Stay tuned for updates, tips, and resources that may inspire your own learning path. Let’s embark on this adventure together!
Testing Microservices: Join the revolution @Devoxx2023

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, ensuring the robustness and reliability of microservices has become paramount. This text explores a comprehensive approach to microservice testing, covering integration strategies, data management techniques, and the strategic utilization of tools to foster the development and maintenance of scalable and resilient applications.
IntelliJ Super Productivity in 45 minutes @Devoxx2023

Heinz Kabutz gave an inspiring talk at Devoxx 2023 in which he shared the secrets to maximizing your productivity in IntelliJ IDEA.
This overview explores key highlights, offering a glimpse into Heinz’s comprehensive guide to supercharging your development workflow.
Preparation for the Spring Professional Certification Exam

Tips to help you study for the Spring Professional Certification exam.
Co-creating the future, making our customer “FTRPRF” ready for it’s international growth

When Katelijne Duerinck’s son, in 2015, wanted to learn developing software, it turned out that there was no course tailored to children anywhere. Katelijne turned a necessity into a virtue and founded CodeFever together with her sister. An organization that teaches children as of the age of eight to code.
Co-creatie, onze klant “CodeFever / FTRPRF” klaarmaken voor hun internationale groei.

Toen de zoon van Katelijne Duerinck wilde leren hacken in 2015, bleek er nergens een cursus op maat van kinderen te bestaan. Katelijne maakte van een nood een deugd en richtte met haar zus CodeFever op, een organisatie die kinderen vanaf 8 jaar leert coderen.